Wednesday, June 20, 2018

How a Dentist Extracts a Tooth

AA Family Dental Group has won multiple Excellence in Patient Satisfaction and Patients’ Choice Awards for its commitment to patient care. Dedicated to providing a comfortable, safe experience for patients, AA Family Dental Group strives to put patients at ease when undergoing extractions and other procedures.

If a mouth is too crowded, or if one or more teeth has incurred damage or is diseased, one or more extractions may be necessary. The process begins with the administration of local anesthetic, after which the dentist will apply a sharp implement to the gum line to test for numbness. The dentist will not begin the procedure until he or she is certain that the anesthetic has taken effect.

To perform the extraction itself, the dentist must loosen the tooth from its tight casing within the bone. The dentist must widen that casing, known as the socket, and break the ligaments that attach the tooth to the jawbone.

To loosen the tooth, the dentist will use either forceps or a straight instrument known as an elevator to rock the tooth back and forth. As the tooth moves, it presses against the walls of the socket. This compresses the surrounding spongy bone and widens the socket.

The dentist will either lift the tooth out of the socket using the elevator or grasp it with forceps to lift it away. In some cases, the dentist will need to break the tooth apart to lift it out of the bone.

The dentist then places a gauze pad into the socket to stop the bleeding. For some patients, a few small self-dissolving stitches may be necessary to accelerate clotting. By applying ice for 10-minute intervals, the patient can minimize swelling.

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Benefits of Dental Implants

AA Family Dental Group of Tustin, California, employs a staff of dedicated general dentists and dental specialists. For patients with missing teeth, AA Family Dental Group offers on-site dental implants

When a patient loses one or more teeth, both structure and function can suffer. The patient may find it more difficult to chew and speak, while the gap in the jaw can lead to bone deterioration and cause the remaining teeth to become misaligned. An implant fits into the jawbone in the same way as a natural tooth does, thus providing the necessary support to the surrounding structures.

The stability of an implant also means that it stays in place when the patient bites an apple or chews on a steak. Unlike dentures, which can click together or shift around in the mouth, correctly placed implants do not cause discomfort while eating, nor do they slide against the gum line and cause the patient to mumble when speaking. Patients can also smile with confidence, knowing that their implants are made to look like natural teeth.